Posted by: Dennie | November 13, 2013

Writing Advice and Feedback Please

“I thought this writing was supposed to be enjoyable and relaxing. But it seems like it’s making you more stressed out than usual.”

Someone recently made that statement to me and I have to say, it sort-of pissed me off, maybe because there’s some truth to it.But I think it also bugged me because the person is not a writer, and doesn’t understand. Possibly.

Sometimes I feel like St. Augustine in a cell…

St. Augustine writing, revising, and re-writin...

St. Augustine writing, revising, and re-writing: Sandro Botticelli’s St. Augustine in His Cell (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

That’s why I’m posing this question the writing community. What’s it like for you guys?

I really do love to write. It gives me great gratification. But it’s usually a lot of work, trying to get the words out of my head and heart-to allow my emotion to bleed onto the proverbial page. Sometimes a blog post will take hours. Other times it flies right out, seems almost perfect. Is it like that for everyone?

It’s frustrating when the daily grind gets in the way of this thing I enjoy so much, when it feels like there’s never enough time. I have dreams of the day when I can spend hours  just writing stuff down, looking stuff up, reading other blogs, learning more about WP. Learning more, period.

And  there’s the ever-present question-why am I doing this? Where’s it going? Am I wasting my time? Right now it sure don’t seem to be going anywhere quick. (I did that on purpose-just in case anyone cringed.) And I’m putting a helluva lot of time into it.

So this is my post for tonight. It’s not three hundred words. I’m excusing myself again because of the hours I put into editing the contest short story.

I look forward to comments from those of you with more experience than I. Do you stress over your writing?



  1. A friend and I were talking yesterday about how weird it is that we both love to write but have to force ourselves to get anything done. It’d be seen as lack of dedication if a sports star ran one lap and then decided to reward himself with a break. But that’s how writing works for a lot of people. Creative brains are strange.

    • Hi and thanks for your comment. It led me to your blog and I really like what I’ve seen so far. One of the things that keeps me from writing on my own blog is reading others’ blogs…like yours! I could spend hours perusing the stuff out there.I get in trouble with “Freshly Pressed” and my reader, but I try not to beat myself up too much because in the end, we can’t have one without the other-reading and writing…

      • Yeah, I definitely don’t beat myself up for reading instead of writing, because the more I read, the more I can incorporate into my writing. And reading helps inspire me to write a lot of the time.

  2. Absolutely! I often find myself staring at the computer screen, wondering why I don’t seem to have an interesting thought (can I possibly be this boring?) . I am slowly realizing that many of us feel this way!

    • Hi-
      A few hours ago, I began a reply to your comment, hit something on the keyboard and poof! It disappeared. I was writing a good reply, too. Then, my husband had dinner ready, we ate, I cleaned up, showered, watched a movie and now I’m back with absolutely no recollection of what I was telling you. Other than thank you for your review of “Thirteen Reasons Why.” It captivated me and lead me to the website, the tapes, Facebook and I can’t wait to read it. Thanks for stopping by my blog. and thank you for all of your reviews.You’re on my list to read…I only wish I had more time.

  3. Reblogged this on Quiet Desperation.

  4. Yes! You described perfectly how it’s gone for me so far. The questions, the doubts, the ebb and flow of ideas, sometimes revising something a dozen times…..but I want to keep doing it. No matter where it leads.

    • Thanks for responding, it’s good to know someone else is in the boat with me. I’ll continue to forge ahead also.

      • As long as there is joy in it…let it go where it may. Right?

        • Yes. Absolutely.

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